Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Paegent

At our church, every Sunday night we do something called Awana. Awana is where we do Bible verses and play games (that's the fun part). Recently,we've been practicing on a Pageant.  I got a solo and Nathan got a job as a narrator.  Last weekend, was the real Pageant, not just a dress rehearsal. The narrators did great, and the soloists did great too.  After that we had cookies!

                               Baby Austin (baby Jesus) was the star of the show and did wonderful.

Here's me doing fantastic on my solo.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

More about me, and the cats

So far I haven't told much about me. As you can already see, I do gymnastics.

I also like animals, but cats are my favorite.  In fact, I got two kittens for my birthday!

Right now I'm doing pretty well in gymnastics and TRYING to train my two kittens, but it's not going as well as I thought it would.

Our family has 3 cats, Sandy is 7, and Joanna and Ralph are 12 weeks old. Anyway those are our cats. Evan has one dog and that's all the animals in our family.

As you already know, I'm the only girl. Sometimes it's nice sometimes not, for example, I get my own room, but I only have boys to play with. But most of my time I spend doing gymnastics.


I recently had a gymnastics meet in Dallas.  It took a really long time to get there, but we finally got there. At the meet I scored 1st on beam, 4th on bars, 5th on floor, and 2nd all around. While I should be telling you about what we did before my meet I just couldn't wait to blog this.

Our hotel was really nice.  It had a swimming pool and an indoor playground!  We went swimming there, but it was really cold.  Too cold for Austin.  He had to go back to the room (not alone).  The rest of us went in the hot tub (not alone, either.)

Anyway, we went to the American Girl store, and if you notice I also said WE went so the boys came too. After we went to the American Girl store we went to the Lego store.  The only problem was that it was super small. In the end we all fit in. Other than that our trip to Dallas was pretty good.